The impact of heavy rain on the transportation of Silicon plants in Sichuan province

Release:Anyang Penghang Metallurgical Refractory Co., Ltd.Browse:1280times

According to news reports, Sichuan Jiaotou Sichuan West Company learned that a mudslide occurred at 19:52 on The 17th in Duwen Expressway, which caused the road to be cut off in both directions, and now the whole road is closed for traffic control.The mudslide caused no vehicle damage or casualties.It is impossible to estimate the volume of debris flow as it continues.Various areas in Sichuan have been rainstorms for several days, and many areas have also been affected by floods. Transportation has been blocked and the transportation cycle has become longer. Relevant departments in various regions are also carrying out active road rescue work, striving to restore the normal traffic of individual lines at an early date.

It is understood that the current basic normal sichuan ya 'an area of raw materials in and out of the situation, ya 'an city traffic problem is more serious, but the factory to the port and other regional road transport in addition to the more congestion other basic normal, rock fall or collapse phenomenon of small area a particular location, the relevant departments are actively rescue, there is also a part of the truck selection round.The factory in Ya 'an area is basically in normal operation. The factory is mainly engaged in the delivery of documents. There is no spot stock of 421# silicon metal and no external quotation.

The production of most factories in Liangshan Prefecture is basically normal, and some factories submit documents normally. The heavy rain has not affected them significantly.The port quotation of non-oxygen metal silicon basically maintains at 10,600 yuan/ton, some factories also have 553 non-oxygen metal silicon low iron goods ex-factory including tax quotation at 10,400-10,500 yuan/ton, the overall quotation of the factory tends to be stable this week.

Aba region due to brunei high-speed bidirectional closed, may in the short term is difficult to restore transportation, and the aba part factory is affected by the floods also lead to suspend production, factory can't normal transport, but the factory also said that the highway will timely make emergency repair, so the late start and transport delay time will not be too long.

The flood in Leshan city is relatively rapid, and the metal and silicon factories in various regions have not been seriously affected by the flood.Leshan District 421 silicon metal is mainly signed orders, the recent shortage of chemical grade silicon metal in Xinjiang region has also led to the acceleration of consumption in Sichuan, factory orders are sufficient, chemical grade silicon metal quotation accordingly increased

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